Unity - Manual: Navigation Areas and Costs
docs.unity3d.com › Manual › nav-AreasAndCostsAug 11, 2023 · The area types are specified in the Navigation (Obsolete) window’s Areas tab. There are 29 custom types, and 3 built-in types: Walkable, Not Walkable, and Jump. Walkable is a generic area type which specifies that the area can be walked on. Not Walkable is a generic area type which prevents navigation. It is useful for cases where you want to ...
Unity - Scripting API: AI.NavMesh.AllAreas
docs.unity3d.com › AIDescription. Area mask constant that includes all NavMesh areas. The mask can be used in query functions, such as NavMesh.Raycast, to indicate that all NavMesh area types are accepted. // TargetReachable using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.AI; public class TargetReachable : MonoBehaviour { public Transform target; private NavMeshHit hit ...
Unity - Scripting API: NavMesh
docs.unity3d.com › ScriptReference › AIDescription Singleton class to access the baked NavMesh. Use the NavMesh class to perform spatial queries such as pathfinding and walkability tests. This class also lets you set the pathfinding cost for specific area types, and tweak the global behavior of pathfinding and avoidance.