Welcome | USPS
https://m.usps.comEnter a tracking number Clear text field. Sign In or Register; Sign Out; Track; Informed Delivery; Buy Stamps; Prices; Click-N-Ship®
Welcome | USPS
https://www.usps.comSchedule a pickup online, place your USPS packages on your doorstep, and we'll come pick them up for free during regular delivery. Schedule Now Delivering for America We're delivering with …
Welcome | USPS
www.usps.comWelcome to USPS.com. Find information on our most convenient and affordable shipping and mailing services. Use our quick tools to find locations, calculate prices, look up a ZIP Code, and get Track & Confirm info.
Postage Options | USPS
www.usps.com › business › postage-optionsPostage Options. Small businesses shipping a few packages can print and pay for postage online. Larger shippers can apply for a permit imprint and save money with commercial rates. Other convenient postage options are postage meters, precanceled stamps, and custom stamps. USPS ® and third-party vendors offer a variety of ways to track and pay ...
Welcome | USPS
m.usps.comAdd a tracking number Clear text field. Track; Informed Delivery; Buy Stamps; Prices; Click-N-Ship ®; Locations; ZIP Codes TM; Schedule Pickup; Hold Mail
Postage Rates & Prices | USPS
www.usps.com › business › pricesPrices. Priority Mail Express ®. From $26.95 at the Post Office ™. From $23.50 for Commercial Base ®. From $23.50 for Commercial Plus ®. Priority Mail Express Flat Rate Envelope. $26.95 at the Post Office. $23.50 for Commercial Base. $23.50 for Commercial Plus.
U.S. Postal Service | USAGov
www.usa.gov › federal-agencies › u-s-postal-serviceContact the U.S. Postal Service. Local Offices: Locate a Post Office. Main Address: USPS Office of the Consumer Advocate 475 L'Enfant Plaza, SW Room 4012 Washington, DC 20260-2200. Toll Free: 1-800-275-8777. 1-800-222-1811 (Track and Confirm a Package) TTY: 1-877-889-2457. Forms: Postal Service Forms. Government branch: