UPS Shipping better online shipping with UPS. Send and deliver packages faster and easier than ever. Customize and save the options you use most. Quote, pay, and get labels on …
UPS Locations Near You UPS, we make shipping easy. With multiple shipping locations throughout the United States, it’s easy to find reliable shipping services no matter where you are. Our UPS locations will help make our customers’ visit simple and convenient for their shipping needs.
Contact Us | UPS - United States › us › enContact Us. When you contact UPS, start with our Virtual Assistant for immediate answers. If you still need help, we’ll either transition you to live chat or connect you directly to a phone representative (during normal business hours.)
Understand and Pay Bills | UPS - United States › us › enThe best way to ensure continued service within the UPS Billing Center is to proactively work with the administrator to assign a backup or secondary administrator. The Billing Center supports multiple administrators, so we strongly encourage you to assign administrator rights to more than one user.