Jul 1, 2021 · The 9 Most Spoken Types of British Accents Cockney. This is the most spoken and also the most known British accent. Cockney dialect was born in London, among the... Brommie. Have you watched Peaky Blinders, one of today's most popular British tv series on Netflix? If you haven't, we... Yorkshire. In ...
Spanning the range from “traditional” accents like Brummie, Cockney, Geordie or Scouse to newer accents like Estuary English, British Asian English and ...
Do you call a 'bread roll' a cob, batch, bread cake, barm cake or scuffler? Explore the diversity of languages, accents and dialects in the UK in the second ...
The UK has the most local accents of any English speaking country. As such, a single "British accent" does not exist. However, someone could be said to have an ...
Jul 20, 2020 · Heavily influenced by the Gaelic language, the Scottish accent and dialect are actually very diverse. Take the Edinburgh accent for example which is very soft. In contrast you have the Glasgow accent which is much thicker and speakers of which often cut their words. The spoken rhythms in the Highlands are very poetic and Scandanavian sounding.
A range of accents are spoken in the West Midlands (in the major towns and conurbations ( The Black Country, Birmingham, Coventry, Stoke-on-Trent (considered by many to have tones of scouse) and Wolverhampton) and in rural areas (such as in Herefordshire and south Worcestershire).