Wilmaan kirjautuminen - Wilma - Turun kaupunki - InSchool
turku.inschool.fiTervetuloa Turun kaupungin oppilaitosten Wilmaan Wilma on varhaiskasvatuksen, peruskoulujen, lukioiden, ammatillisen koulutuksen ja oppisopimuskoulutuksen opiskelijahallinto-ohjelman www-liittymä. Opiskelijat valitsevat Wilmassa kursseja, seuraavat suorituksiaan, lukevat tiedotteita ja viestivät opettajien kanssa.
Wilma login - Wilma - Turun kaupunki - InSchool
turku.inschool.fiWelcome to the Wilma service of the educational institutions of the City of Turku Wilma is a website interface to the student administration program for early childhood education, comprehensive schools, general upper secondary schools, vocational education and training and apprentice-ship training.
Basic education | Turun normaalikoulu
sites.utu.fi › tnk › enBasic education. The basic task of Turun normaalikoulu is to bring up and educate pupils and students together with the guardians. who have high self-esteem. who reconize their strenghts. who manage independently in life. who are able to co-operate with others. who follow ethical and environment-friendly principles.