Varissuo - Wikipedia › wiki › VarissuoVarissuo ( Finnish; Kråkkärret in Swedish) is a district and the largest suburb of the city of Turku, in Finland. It is located seven kilometres to the east of the city centre, and is the easternmost major suburb of Turku, bordering on the neighbouring city of Kaarina. Varissuo has 9,000 inhabitants, the majority of whom are foreign immigrants.
Turku - Wikipedia › wiki › TurkuTurku International School, located in the eastern district of Varissuo, has been operating since 2003. By an agreement signed between the city of Turku and the University of Turku , Turun normaalikoulu takes care of the teaching in the international school.
Varissuo – Wikipedia (ruots. Kråkkärret) on kaupunginosa ja lähiö Turun itäosassa, Kaarinan rajalla vajaa seitsemän kilometriä, kuusi kilometriä linnuntietä, Turun keskustasta. Se on Turun nuorimpia lähiöitä. Varissuo on rakennettu pääosin 1970-luvun lopulla ja 1980-luvun alussa. Vielä 1970-luvun alussa alue … Näytä lisää
Varissuo Ice Hall | › ice-halls › varissuo-ice-hallVarissuo Ice Hall Visiting address: Tiirikkalankatu 20610 Turku Phone: Personnel +358 50 431 0019 Opening hours Ice hall 15.8.2022 - 2.4.2023 Mon - Wed 06:30 - 23:00 Thu 06:30 - 22:00 Fri 06:30 - 23:00 Sat - Sun 07:00 - 22:00 Public skating 15.8.2022 - 2.4.2023 Mon - Wed 13:45 - 14:35 Thu 13:45 - 14:35 and 18:00 - 18:45 Fri 13:45 - 14:35
Varissuo - Wikipedia (Finnish; Kråkkärret in Swedish) is a district and the largest suburb of the city of Turku, in Finland. It is located seven kilometres to the east of the city centre, and is the easternmost major suburb of Turku, bordering on the neighbouring city of Kaarina. Varissuo has 9,000 inhabitants, the majority of whom are foreign immigrants. It is thus the second largest district of Turku, after