Turku map, Finland
2ua.org › fin › turkuWhere is Turku . Turku is a locality located 149.88 km east from Helsinki in Finland Proper, Finland. The population of Turku is 189,669 people. Forssa, Lohja, Nummela are located close to Turku. You can find Turku on any map using the following decimal coordinates: 60.4517 (latitude), 22.27 (longitude).
Turun kartta – Kartta.com
https://kartta.com/suomen-kartat/turun-kartta1.6.2022 · Paikkakunnan/kaupungin vanhat kartat on hankittu Maanmittauslaitoksen Vanhat painetut kartat -verkkopalvelusta. Vanhat kartat on ladattu palvelusta 10/2020. Vanhoja painettuja karttoja käytetään Maanmittauslaitoksen avoimen tietoaineiston Nimeä CC 4.0 -lisenssin mukaisesti. Lähde : Tilastokeskus.
Turku - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › TurkuTurku is the oldest city in Finland, and served as the most important city of the eastern part of the Kingdom of Sweden (modern-day Finland). After the Finnish war, Finland became an autonomous grand duchy of the Russian Empire in 1809, and Turku was made the capital of the grand duchy.
Turku Map Finland Latitude & Longitude: Free Maps
www.freecountrymaps.com › map › townsdownload this map for free. Open Turku Map in your browser or view a full size map if you are using a mobile The top map of Turku, Finland has been reproduced thanks to Open Street Map and is licenced under The Open Database License (ODbL), so you can download this map and modify all others that contain the CC-BY-SA 2.0 watermark and your reproduced map of Turku must also free.
Turku map service
https://opaskartta.turku.fi/IMS/en/Map26.4.2022 · How to do it. Click the right mouse button, and from the pop-up menu, select Delete search results and measurements from the map. Alternatively, click . Using service search. Search for services and objects, such as schools or libraries. How to do it. Click the arrow on the search bar and select Service search.