Turku Cathedral - Travels with LPSPhoto
lpsphoto.top › en › finlandTurku Cathedral. Exploring the former capital of Finland, Turku, usually begins with its main attraction, which is often referred to as a national shrine. The Cathedral (Turun tuomiokirkko, Swedish. Åbo domkyrka is the main Lutheran church in Finland, as well as one of the most important historical buildings.
Turun tuomiokirkko – Keskiajan Turku
keskiajanturku.fi › turun-tuomiokirkkoKeskiajan Turku 2022 -tapahtuman aikana Tuomiokirkolla on luvassa hetkirukouksia, opastuksia, musiikkia ja katedraalin tunnelmaa. Tuomiokirkko ja Tuomiokirkkomuseo ovat auki joka päivä klo 9-18. Museoon on vapaa pääsy tapahtuman ajan. Jumalanpalvelusten ja kirkollisten toimitusten aikana kirkossa ja museossa ei kuitenkaan voi kierrellä.
Take a tour - Turun tuomiokirkko
www.turuntuomiokirkko.fi › english › take-a-tourTurun tuomiokirkko Etusivu Turku Cathedral Take a tour History of Turku Cathedral Turku Cathedral is regarded as Finland’s most valuable monument of architectural history. The construction took place in stages up to the first decades of the 19th century. The greatest changes in appearance happened in the 15th and 16th centuries.