Tuohi Mastercard - Cards | Nordea
www.nordea.fi › tuohi-mastercardTUOHI Mastercard is a continuous credit facility which is valid until further notice, with a credit limit of 2,000–10,000 euros. The credit is granted by Nordea Finance Finland Ltd, Aleksis Kiven katu 9, Helsinki. Prices for cards issued before 1 September 2019 Your rights when making payments in Europe Apply for Tuohi Mastercard
Tuohi Mastercard | Nordea Rahoitus
www.nordeafinance.fi › tuohi-mastercardAs Nordea customer you can apply Tuohi Mastercard through this page and at our cooperation partners’ shops and in Nordea Wallet. If you are a customer in some other bank than Nordea, you can apply Tuohi Mastercard at our cooperation partners’ shops. The credit interest is 14 % + 3-month Euribor.
Credit card | Nordea Mastercard credit cards | Nordea
www.nordea.fi › credit-cardsUse your Nordea Mastercard for easy and secure everyday purchases online and at millions of outlets across the world. All Mastercard credit cards issued by Nordea are accepted worldwide, which means that you can pay and withdraw cash with confidence both in Finland and abroad. Using a credit card gives you flexibility in your daily finances and ...
Tuohi Mastercard | Nordea Rahoitus
www.nordeafinance.fi › tuohi-mastercardMonipuolinen Tuohi Mastercard. Voit valita sinulle sopivan luottorajan 2 000–10 000 euron väliltä. Luottotarpeesi muuttuessa voit hakea nykyiseen luottorajaasi korotusta. Luottopäätöksen saat aina saman tien. Kokeile luottolaskurilla minkä kokoinen luottoraja ja kuukausierä sinulle sopii. Sisältää ainutlaatuisen Hintaturvavakuutuksen.