TUNI Moodle | Tampere universities
moodle.tuni.fi › mod › bookStudents enrolled to Sisu implementation will be added to TUNI Moodle course if the TUNI Moodle course has been created in Sisu and teacher has confirmed the enrolments in Sisu. If "enrolment period with direct confirmation" setting is used in Sisu implementation, students will be added automatically to TUNI Moodle course.
TUNI Moodle | Tampere universities
https://moodle.tuni.fi/?lang=enLogin with TUNI account Other login options News Skip Latest announcements. Latest announcements. 14 Apr, 16:32. Moodle 1. Interruptions in Moodle 12.4. and 26.4. 7 Apr, 13:06. Moodle 1. Change to gradebook's default grade letters. Older topics... Courses. Instructions and support. About the site.
Quick instructions: What is Moodle? - TUNI
moodle.tuni.fi › mod › bookMoodle is a LMS (learning management system) where teachers can create course areas. Typically Moodle course area is like a course's home page that can contain materials, links, assignments and other activities. All staff members and students at Tampere universities can access TUNI Moodle.
TUNI Moodle | Tampere universities
moodle.tuni.fi › mod › bookSeminar, which is designed specifically for seminar-type and thesis courses. Turnitin for thesis supervisors (the template is bilingual, you will see the texts in English if you use Moodle in English). Before making selection, you can view the templates using the preview buttons. The selected template cannot be changed later.
TUNI Moodle | Tampere universities
moodle.tuni.fi › mod › bookSeminar, which is designed specifically for seminar-type and thesis courses. Turnitin for thesis supervisors (the template is bilingual, you will see the texts in English if you use Moodle in English). Before making selection, you can view the templates using the preview buttons. The selected template cannot be changed later.