Terveystalo Työterveys hinnasto 2017 FIN asiakasversio
https://www.terveystalo.com › Global › tth › hinn...TTh Screen, laaja. B-PVK+T, fP-Gluk, fS-Kol, fS-Kol-HDL, fS-Kol-LDL, fS-. Trigly, S-ALAT, S-ASAT, S-CDT, S-GT, S-K, S-Krea, S-. Na, S-Uraat, S-Tsh, S-T4V.
Headache: Tension-Type Headache - PubMed
pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov › 30346680Tension-type headache (TTH) is the most common primary headache disorder, with a worldwide lifetime prevalence of 46% to 78%. TTH causes greater disability and accounts for more missed work days than migraine. The etiology of TTH is thought to be multifactorial, involving genetic and environmental f …
Hinnasto 2016
https://www.terveystalo.com/Global/tth/1/Terveystalo Työtervey…9480 TTh Screen B-PVK+T, fP-Gluk, fS-Kol, fS-Kol-HDL, fS-Kol-LDL, fS-Trigly, S-ALAT, S-GT, S-Krea 92,80 € 9481 TTh Screen, laaja B-PVK+T, fP-Gluk, fS-Kol, fS-Kol-HDL, fS-Kol-LDL, fS-Trigly, S-ALAT, S-ASAT, S-CDT, S-GT, S-K, S-Krea, S-Na, S-Uraat, S-Tsh, S-T4V 164,40 € Terveystalo Työterveys - Suppea hinnasto 2016 Sivu 6