www.tps.fiJalkapallo- ja jääkiekkoseuran toiminnan esittely ja 80-vuotishistoriikki.
TPS Finland statistics, table, results, fixtures › teams › tps-195805TPS is currently on the 4 place in the Ykkonen table. Last game played with KPV, which ended with result: Draw 2:2.The best players TPS in all leagues, who scored the most goals for the club: Simo Roiha 9 goals, Olli Jakonen 9 goals, Kasper Haemaelaeinen 6 goals, Albion Mucazi 5 goals, Daniel Rantanen 5 goals, Linus Roennberg 5 goals, Demba Savage 3 goals, Joonas Lakkamaki 1 goals, Roope ...
Turun Palloseura - Wikipedia › wiki › Turun_PalloseuraTurun Palloseura, commonly known as TPS, is a professional football club based in Turku, Finland. During the 2022 season, the men's first team of the club competes in Ykkönen, the second highest tier of men's football, and the women's representative team in the Kansallinen Liiga, the highest level of women's football in Finland.
FC TPS - FC TPS › ...JOUKKUE, P, V, T, H, M, P. 1, KTP, 26, 17, 4, 5, 60-27, 55. 2, TPS, 26, 14, 7, 5, 46-23, 49. 3, FF Jaro, 26, 14, 5, 7, 53-29, 47.
fc.tps.fiTPS:n ja FC Interin yhteinen tiedotustilaisuus 25.10.2016; Yleinen infopaketti 26.10. pelattavaan TPS-FC Inter-otteluun; TPS - FC Inter tänään 26.10. klo 15.00 - avauskokoonpano nimetty; TPS piti nollan - lauantaina luvassa todellinen spektaakkeli; TPS mielenkiintoiseen alkulohkoon uudistuneessa Respect Suomen Cupissa; Pj.
https://fc.tps.fiYleinen infopaketti TPS-FC Jazz -otteluun; Huippuvireinen TPS saa sunnuntaina vieraita Porista; FC Jazz -ennakko: Forsman palaa - Virtanen puuttuu kokoonpanosta; TPS TV extra: Juri …
Turning Point Soccer (@TPS_FC) | Twitter › TPS_FCDec 06, 2017 · The latest Tweets from Turning Point Soccer (@TPS_FC). A place to KICK IT! SAFE, FUN, FAMILY FRIENDLY We offer Youth and Adult leagues, Field rentals, birthday parties, Sports training and much more! 9186714410. 716 W Main st Jenks OK