4.2.2022 · In this first part of the Speaking test, the examiner will ask you questions about topics such as family life, daily routines, or how you spend your free time. How many people are there …
Do you think people will eat more bugs in the future? Do you think gymnastics is a good hobby for children to take up? What are the best pets for children? Is it better to drink mineral water or tap water? Do you think concerts will be popular in the future? What are the benefits of self-study?
B2 Conversational topics. Here are conversational topics you should be able to talk about at this level ( source and source 2 ): The individual* behavioral patterns* fashion/clothing/cosmetics. Partnership* making friends (in person, on the net, etc.)* roles in the family* contacts at work / at school.
Do you think people will eat more bugs in the future? Do you think gymnastics is a good hobby for children to take up? What are the best pets for children? Is it better to drink mineral water or tap water? Do you think concerts will be …
These conversation questions for B2 level are great ice-breakers for students to get to know their classmates at the start of term. They can also be used at any time to develop speaking skills. We have a teacher’s copy (including teacher’s …
Personal values and ideals · What is more important for you: work or your social life? · Do you spend more time with family or with friends? · Have ...
What questions would you like to ask a virologist? Do you agree with the Japanese authorities’ decision not to allow spectators at the Tokyo Olympic games? Did that decision prevent or limit …
Conversation Questions (B2) € 2.15 20% OFF your first membership with promo code: INTRO20. €19.96 (6 mths) or €31.96 (12 mths) Level: This is most suited to B2 level students. Time: 20 mins + These conversation questions for B2 level are great ice-breakers for students to get to know their classmates at the start of term.
Feb 04, 2022 · In this first part of the Speaking test, the examiner will ask you questions about topics such as family life, daily routines, or how you spend your free time. What’s your favourite way of travelling? (Why do you like it?) What’s the longest journey you’ve ever been on? (Tell us about it.) How do you pass the time on a long journey?
16.2.2018 · When you grow up, do you think that you will live in a large city or a small town/village? Would you say that children who are brought up in a large city learn more …
B2 Conversational topics. Here are conversational topics you should be able to talk about at this level ( source and source 2 ): The individual* behavioral patterns* …
A list of conversation topics suitable for advanced level learners of English. · Physical Appearance · Customs and Traditions · Coronavirus · Electric cars · Rich ...
ESL Conversation Topics is a free resource for both teachers and learners of English. We are continually adding to our library of ESL conversation questions which is designed to help English leaners practice and improve their …
29.11.2021 · As for the structure, it should have an introductory paragraph and a conclusion at the end. The body should consist of 2 or 3 main paragraphs, depending on how you decide to …
B2 Conversational topics · The individual* behavioral patterns* fashion/clothing/cosmetics · Partnership* making friends (in person, on the net, etc.)* · Family* ...
23.4.2021 · Discussion Questions: B1, B2 and C1 level topical questions to practice your speaking skills in PDF. Do you want to discuss different topics for B1, B2 and C1 level exams? Talk about everything from work, education, sport …
Looking for conversation questions to match your topic? Look no further, take a look at our long list of topic based conversation questions. If you don’t see your topic let us know what we are …