TOEFL Scoring: How Does It Work? • PrepScholar TOEFL › toefl › blogJan 3, 2017 · How TOEFL Scoring Works: Raw and Scaled Scores. On the TOEFL, you’ll earn points for every correct answer you choose (or prompt you fulfill) and zero points for incorrect answers. There is no guessing penalty on the TOEFL, so always make a guess if you don’t know the answer! The points you earn from correct answers are called “raw” points.
TOEFL Score Calculator: How to Estimate TOEFL iBT Scores › toefl › blogJul 3, 2017 · Use the TOEFL score table below to convert your raw scores into scaled scores for each section of the exam. After you have your raw scores for each section, you can figure out what scaled score each corresponds to by looking at the column on the far left. So, for example, if you got a raw Reading score of 41, that translates to a scaled score of 29.