Painting A Bigger Picture | Tikkurila
tikkurila.comTikkurila is a leading Nordic paint company. We are a pioneer of sustainable painting, surface treatment, and use of colors, and we do it responsibly. We drive sustainablebeauty, well-being of people, and longer life of surfaces through our work and products, by using the limited resources of nature and society in a sustainable manner. For decades, Tikkurila has been developing and promoting high-quality and user-friendly surface treatment solutions that are safe for both people and ...
Tikkurila Oy - Vantaa, Finland - › en › companiesProfile. Tikkurila is a leading Nordic paint company with expertise that spans decades. We develop premium products and services that provide our customers with quality that will stand the test of time and weather. We operate in around ten countries and our 3,000 dedicated professionals share the joy of building a vivid future through surfaces ...