Translation of "tiene novia" in English. have a girlfriend he's got a girlfriend. has a girl. have a fiancée. does have one. he has a girlfriend. Show more
Verkkoc. has a boyfriend. Mi hermana tiene novio y quiere que lo conozcamos.My sister has a boyfriend and she wants us to meet him. 2. (formal) (second person singular) a. you have …
Tienes novio. You' re engaged, aren' t you? · ¿No tienes novia? Don't you have a girlfriend? · ¿Mamá tiene novio? Mom has a boyfriend? · Apuesto a que tiene novia.
tyeh - neh noh - byoh ) phrase 1. (third person singular) a. he has a boyfriend ¿Fernando está soltero? - No, tiene novio.Is Fernando single? - No, he has a boyfriend. b. she has a boyfriend Tiene novio y quiere casarse con él.She has a boyfriend and wants to get married to him. c. has a boyfriend
tiene novio ; ¿Qué, aparte del hecho de que mi ex marido tiene novia nueva? What, besides the fact that my ex-husband has a new girlfriend? ; Russell tiene novia, ...
Para, el tiene novia. Stop. he has a girlfriend. De todos modos, el tiene novia. He has a girlfriend. Como sea, a pesar del hecho de que él tiene novia, Anyway, despite the fact that he has a girlfriend, Él tiene novia y su propio departamento. He has a girlfriend and his own apartment.
Phrases novia ( noh - byah ) feminine noun 1. (a woman on her wedding day) a. bride La novia caminó por la nave central en dirección al novio.The bride walked down the aisle to her groom. 2. (a person's regular romantic companion) a. girlfriend Antonia es la novia de Felipe. Llevan dos años saliendo.Antonia is Felipe's girlfriend.
Verkko13. (used with a participle to describe a state) a. to have. Tenía la casa recogida cuando llegué.He had the house cleaned up by the time I arrived. 14. (used to describe a …
VerkkoTranslation of "tiene novia" in English. have a girlfriend he's got a girlfriend. has a girl. have a fiancée. does have one. Show more. Doug no se, el no tiene novia. Doug does not …
Verkkorun v · possess v · hold v · collect v · harbor sth. AE v · have got sth. v · wield v · stock v · boast v novia f — girlfriend n · bride n · fiancée n novia y novio f — bride and groom n …
translations in context of "TIENE NOVIA" in spanish-english. Scott tiene novia, Kourtney tiene un novio, lo entendemos", dijo Kim. - Scott has a girlfriend, ...
VerkkoPhrases novia ( noh - byah ) feminine noun 1. (a woman on her wedding day) a. bride La novia caminó por la nave central en dirección al novio.The bride walked down the aisle …
Si le preguntas si tiene novia... nunca te da una respuesta directa. Ask him if he's got a girlfriend... you never get a straight answer. Si tiene novia, que declare. If he's got a girlfriend, depose her. has a girl
VerkkoTranslation of "tienes novia" in English you have a girlfriend you got a girlfriend you've got a girlfriend do you have a girlfriend you got a girl you have a girl you got a sweetheart …
VerkkoTranslation of "Ya tiene novia" in English already has a girlfriend Si no está interesado o ya tiene novia, no se enfade ni se entristezca. If he's not interested or already has a …