on so many levels?
www.englishbaby.com › 244606-on-so-many-levelsEverytime I watch some drama in English, I am curious about this phrase. Because, it appears so many time on the Shows. Here's the thing. "It works on so many levels" "This sucks on so many levels" "This is so unexpected on so many levels" I can guess what it means quite blurrily, but I can't catch it clearly.
This speaks to me on so many levels : exmormon - reddit
www.reddit.com › r › exmormonThere really is a smart way to direct the LDS religion but those at the top think of their dogma as written on an obelisk and are the most reticent to change. 1. level 2. yyeeyyeeyy. · 2m. just don’t read or listen jordan peterson. don’t go from one guru to another. NO GURUS, and JP has a lot of problematic views. 2. Continue this thread.