CTB and STB Files in Pen Tables
docs.bentley.com › LiveContent › webAutoCAD uses two types of plot style tables to control the appearance of plotted objects: color-dependent plot style tables (CTB files) and named plot style tables (STB files). CTB files include plot styles that are based on object color, and STB files include named plot styles that are assigned to individual objects or layers in AutoCAD.
About-Plot-Style-Tables – آموزش تصویری اتوکد
vcad.ir/about-plot-style-tablesspcollection of plot styles assigned to a layout or to the Model tab. There are two types of plot style tables: color-dependent and named.Color-dependent plot style tables (CTB) use an object's color to determine characteristics such as lineweight. Every red object in a drawing is plotted the same way. Plot style tables contain several of the plot settings you use when plotting a drawing.