Book of Rites - Wikipedia Book of Rites is a diverse collection of texts of uncertain origin and date that lacks the overall structure found in the other "rites" texts (the Rites of Zhou and the Etiquette and Ceremonial). Some sections consist of definitions of ritual terms, particularly those found in the Etiquette and Ceremonial, while others contain details of the life and teachings of Confucius. Parts of the text have been traced to such pre-Han works as the Xunzi and Lüshi Chunqiu, while others are believ…
Record Of Rites - Encyclopedia Information › info › en Not to be confused with Book of Rights. The Book of Rites, also known as the Liji, is a collection of texts describing the social forms, administration, and ceremonial rites of the Zhou dynasty as they were understood in the Warring States and the early Han periods.
Records of Rights
recordsofrights.orgExplore records of the National Archives documenting the ongoing struggle of Americans to define, attain, and protect their rights. Explore the Records explore Rights to Freedom and Justice US National Archives on Facebook
Book of Rites - Wikipedia › wiki › Book_of_RitesThe Book of Rites, also known as the Liji, is a collection of texts describing the social forms, administration, and ceremonial rites of the Zhou dynasty as they were understood in the Warring States and the early Han periods. The Book of Rites, along with the Rites of Zhou and the Book of Etiquette and Rites, which are together known as the "Three Li," constitute the ritual section of the Five Classics which lay at the core of the traditional Confucian canon. As a core text of the Confucian can
The Records
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