Dad (Lektor pl) - CDA odwiedza swoją nastoletnią siostrę Deannę w ich rodzinnym domku letniskowym. Obie czekają na ojca, prowadząc pogawędkę. Szybko jednak zaczyna być widoczny rozdźwięk między dziewczynami, który jeszcze bardziej się …
Watch The Father | Netflix › gb › titleThe Father. 2021 | Maturity rating: 12 | Dramas. Unavailable on an advert-supported plan due to licensing restrictions. As he ages, a man refuses help from his daughter and begins to doubt his loved ones, his own mind and even the fabric of his reality. Starring: Anthony Hopkins,Olivia Colman,Mark Gatiss.
The Father (2020) - IMDb › title › tt10272386Feb 26, 2021 · The Father: Directed by Florian Zeller. With Olivia Colman, Anthony Hopkins, Mark Gatiss, Olivia Williams. A man refuses all assistance from his daughter as he ages. As he tries to make sense of his changing circumstances, he begins to doubt his loved ones, his own mind and even the fabric of his reality.