Slang Meaning Of Tf Meaning of FUNNY. FUNNY means: Funny is British slang for peculiar, unusual, weird. Slang Meaning of FUNNY FAG. FUNNY FAG means: Funny fag is British slang for a marijuhana cigarette. Slang Meaning of Funny flour. Funny flour means: cocaineWhen he wears his coat with the fur collar, he looks like a shaper selling funny flour.
TF - What does TF stand for? - The Slang Dictionary › meaning › tfNov 10, 2014 · TF stands for "too funny," which is a quick way to express that you think something is really funny. It is typically used in text messages and online. Describing something as too funny doesn't really make sense since there is no maximum size limit for humor. However, it may be used in the context of "the hilarity is too much because it's causing something bad to happen to me," like peeing in your pants ( PMP) or your sides hurting ( USA) from laughter.
Urban Dictionary: tf › defineNov 27, 2003 · T F stands for "Totally Fucked" -- Pre 1970's expression that is abbreviation for a slang that could not be uttered, due to social restrictions of the time. Fuck and all its conjugations were not the common slang of pre 1970's American campuses.