Tennispalatsi – Wikipedia on Helsingin Kampissa sijaitseva kulttuurin ja vapaa-ajan keskus. Se käsittää kokonaisen korttelin Salomonkadun, Fredrikinkadun, Eteläisen Rautatiekadun ja Jaakonkadun välissä. Rakennuksessa on Finnkinon elokuvateatteri, kaupungin omistama Helsingin taidemuseo HAM sekä pieniä liikkeitä.
Tennispalatsi - Wikipedia has a 14-theatre multiplex in Tennispalatsi. It was opened on 26 February 1999. The theater sizes are from 92 to 703 seats. The largest theater has a screen of 184.8 square metres (1,989 sq ft) (8.8 m × 21 m or 29 ft × 69 ft). All the rooms use Dolby Digital, DTS and SDDS technologies. They also fulfill the THX standards although they are no longer THX certified after Finnkino quit paying the THX licensing fees in 2004; the THX logos no longer are used in Tennis…
Tennispalatsi - Wikipedia › wiki › TennispalatsiTennispalatsi. Tennispalatsi ( Swedish: Tennispalatset; lit. Tennis Palace ), is an enclosed cultural and recreational center in Kamppi, Helsinki, Finland. It houses a Finnkino multiplex movie theatre, the Helsinki City Art Museum, the Museum of Cultures, and small shops. Tennispalatsi was built in 1938 in preparation for the 1940 Summer Olympics.
Finnkino - Tennispalatsi Helsinki › en › teatteritFinnkino Tennispalatsi was opened after a complete makeover on the 26th of February, 1999. Fourteen cinema auditoriums and 2532 seats offer a unique setting for watching movies. Tennispalatsi was the first cinema in the world offering THX and SDDS standard equipments in all halls. Over the years it has retained the high standards of technical ...