Dita Von Teese - Wikipedia
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dita_Von_TeeseHeather Renée Sweet (born September 28, 1972), known professionally as Dita Von Teese, is an American vedette, burlesque dancer, model, fashion designer, businesswoman, and author. She is credited with re-popularizing burlesque performance, earning the moniker "Queen of Burlesque". Von Teese has been seen in CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, RuPaul's Drag Race, The Masked Dancer, The Curious Creations of Christine McConnell, among other television productions. She i…
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Dita Von Teese - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Dita_Von_TeeseVon Teese has performed in adult and mainstream films. In her early years, she appeared in fetish-related, softcore pornographic movies, such as Romancing Sara, Matter of Trust (in which she is billed under her real name of Heather Sweet), and also in two Andrew Blake hard-core fetish films, Pin Ups 2 and Decadence.
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