Tays Bakers: International Snack food manufacturer
www.taysbakers.com › enTays Bakers is active in FMCG (fast moving consumer goods) industry with specific focus in the snack market. More PT Jaya Swarasa Agung has 4 business units, which are wafer roll, biscuit and crackers, chocolate and puffs under various brands such as Wasuka, Nitchi, Tricks, Tiles and others.
Tay Keith - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Tay_KeithKeith is the youngest family member out of his two brothers and two sisters. [citation needed] When he was around fourteen, he began to make music and publish it to YouTube and DatPiff. He also had a piano which he used to make songs and remake popular songs. One of the songs he managed to remake was Lil Wayne 's "Lollipop". [5]
Home | Tays&Kays
www.taysandkays.comAt Tays&Kays we believe in turning dreams of love into someone’s moment of joy and happiness by giving the gift of timeless jewelry. Our large collection of hand-crafted creations are personalized works of art and will delight you and your loved ones. The joy you create and the memories you make when giving fine jewelry, last a lifetime.