People | TaSTI | Tampere Universities › tasti-en › peopleAbout me I hold a PhD in philosophy (1998) from University of Tampere and received the title of docent in philosophy in 2002. My current research interests include ignorance studies and social epistemology relating to expertise and the politics of digitalisation in the post-capitalist society.
Tampere - Wikipedia › wiki › TampereTampere is the second-largest urban area [15] and third most-populous individual municipality in Finland, after the cities of Helsinki and Espoo, and the most populous Finnish city outside the Greater Helsinki area. [13] Today, Tampere is one of the major urban, economic, and cultural hubs in the whole inland region.
Eat Local in Tampere - TasteAtlas › tampereTampere Finland Where to eat local? The best traditional places in Tampere, recommended by food professionals 4.5 5.1k Pyynikin Munkkikahvila Famous for Munkki 4.4 408 Lielahden Mustamakkarabaari Famous for Mustamakkara Tamperrada Late August View all recommended restaurants in Tampere Tampere 2 Western Finland 7 Finland 88
Tampere University | Tampere universities › en › about-usTampere University is a community of 21,000 students and over 4,000 staff members. The University was created in 2019 through a merger between the University of Tampere and Tampere University of Technology. Our university has seven faculties: Faculty of Built Environment. Faculty of Education and Culture.