Frontpage - Visit Tampere › enThe Miracleo mascot invites you to the 2022 IIHF Ice Hockey World Championship to Tampere. The 2022 men’s Ice Hockey World Championship will be played on 13–29 May in Tampere and Helsinki. In Tampere the games are played in the Tampere Deck Arena, which is located in the centre of Tampere and has good transport connections.
Tampereen kaupunki
www.tampere.fi22.12.2021 · Tampereen kaupunki tarjosi vuoden 2021 aikana koronaan liittyvää neuvontaa yli sadalla eri kielellä botin avulla. Aiemmat tiedotteet. RSS-syöte aiemmista tiedotteista.
Info - Visit Tampere › en › infoInfo. Welcome to Tampere, the most attractive city in Finland according to us Finns! All you need for a successful visit to our beloved city can be found on this site. If you can not find the information you need, please feel free to contact us.
Visit Tampere Tourist Information - Visit Tampere › en › articlesVisit Tampere tourist information offers information, brochures, tips, maps and much more. The tourist information is at your service all year round on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram as well as by e-mail and telephone. You can also find maps for example from Tampere Market Hall (Kauppahalli) and the Tampere info screens offer guidance as well.
Info - Visit Tampere Tervetuloa Tampereelle, Suomen suosituimpaan matkailukaupunkiin ja halutuimpaan asuinkaupunkiin! Olemme koonneet sivuillemme kaiken, mitä tarvitset onnistuneeseen vierailuusi kaupungissamme.
Tampereen museot - Info museoiden esinekokoelmat puh. 040 7615905 Tampereen museot / Kokoelmakeskus Kauhakorvenkatu 56, 33720 Tampere PL 487, 33101 Tampere Pirkanmaan maakuntamuseo, Kulttuuriympäristöyksikk ö puh. 03 5656 ...