Unfold Finlayson - Uniikki elämystuote Tampereella!
Seikkailupeli ryhmille. Luovaa ongelmanratkaisua, ryhmätyötä, uniikkeja paikkoja ja upeita maisemia Tampereen historiallisessa sydämessä. Unfold on seikkailupeli Finlaysonin 200-vuotiaan tehdasalueen yleisöltä suljetuissa torneissa ja …
Finlayson, Tampere, Finland - SpottingHistory.com
www.spottinghistory.com › view › 122Finlayson ironworks and metallurgy factory was established in 1820 by the Scottish industrialist James Finlayson when he was noticed the energy potential of the free rapids in Tampere. Machine business was not very profitable and Finlayson started to manufacture and weave cotton yarn and textiles. James Finlayson sold the factory to Carl Samuel ...