Treasury Bills — TreasuryDirect › prod_tbills_glanceAlso see Understanding pricing and interest rates. Interest paid: When the bill matures: Minimum purchase: $100: In increments of: $100: Maximum purchase: $10 million (non-competitive bid) 35% of offering amount (competitive bid) (See Buying a Treasury marketable security for information on types of bids.) Auction frequency: Every four weeks for 52-week bills
3 Month Treasury Bill Rate - YCharts › indicators › 3_month_t_billOct 27, 2022 · Basic Info. The 3 Month Treasury Bill Rate is the yield received for investing in a government issued treasury security that has a maturity of 3 months. The 3 month treasury yield is included on the shorter end of the yield curve and is important when looking at the overall US economy. The 3 month treasury yield hovered near 0 from 2009-2015 as the Federal Reserve maintained its benchmark rates at 0 in the aftermath of the Great Recession.