Synlab - SYNLAB › enAt SYNLAB, we offer a complete range of medical diagnostic services for patients, clinical practices and the healthcare sector in general. Our laboratories process over 1.5 million tests a day. The results of these tests provide an accurate and reliable diagnosis that helps when it comes to choosing a treatment. About us.
https://www.yml.fiSYNLAB tarjoaa yksityisasiakkaille magneetti-, röntgen-, ultraääni- ja mammografiatutkimuksia sekä laboratoriopalveluita ympäri Suomea. Lue lisää SYNLABin kotisivuilta ja varaa aika. …
www.synlab.huTORCH-vizsgálatok. A SYNLAB Magyarország és Európa legnagyobb labordiagnosztikai szolgáltatója. A SYNLAB Group 4 kontinensen 36 országban van jelen, több mint 24 000 munkavállalót foglalkoztat, árbevétele 2,6 milliárd euró, évente 500 millió vizsgálatot végez.
SYNLAB AG | Investor Relations - SYNLAB AG Investor Relations
ag.synlab.comOct 04, 2022 · SYNLAB consistently executes on value-enhancing acquisitions. We have a strong M&A platform, driving market consolidation in the highly fragmented diagnostic testing market. Since our foundation in 2015 the Group has successfully closed and integrated more than 120 acquisitions and extended its international footprint into eight additional ...