Furniture libraries 1.8 - Sweet Home 3D Blog › blog › 2020/12/19Dec 19, 2020 · On December 19, 2020, furniture libraries were updated with 100 additional 3D models. New 3D models. This update contains various kinds of models designed by Sweet Home 3D, Scopia and Blend Swap contributors. It includes many objects for the kitchen, some additional trees and other outdoor objects, as well as new windows and some Japanese style ...
Sweet Home 3D / 3D Models / #330 Roof library modular › p › sweethome3dSep 29, 2014 · An example of roof elements that can be put together to create different roofs - the pictures demonstrate how they can be put together. The same can be done, and more exactly, following the instructions in the guides (search forum and documentation). But it may be easier working with pre-defined shapes and a couple of "standard" elements. ok.
Sweet Home 3D : 3D Modell Import › de › importModelsSweet Home 3D erlaubt es auch, 3D-Modellbibliotheken zu importieren, die in SH3F-Dateien gespeichert sind. Eine SH3F-Datei gruppiert Modelle mit ihrer Beschreibung und kann auf einfache Weise installiert werden, indem sie doppelt angeklickt wird oder indem der Menüeintrag Mobiliar > Mobiliarbibliothek importieren in Sweet Home 3D gewählt wird.