Isolation and characterization of sulphated polysaccharides ... › articles › isolatio...[21] XuJie H., Na, Z., SuYing, X., ShuGang, L., and BaoQiu, Y., Carbohydr. Poly, (2008), 73, 289–294. [22] Souza, B.W.S., Cerqueira, M.A., Bourbon, A.I., ...
Sayings | Vocabulary | EnglishClub › ref › SayingsMost sayings are effective thanks to their shortness and directness. They use simple, vivid language, often based on everyday domestic situations, making them easy to understand and remember. Sayings may be classified under a number of different terms, of which proverb is probably the best known. Other types of saying are adage, maxim, motto ...