ASCE civil engineering research supports key UN Sustainable Development Goals. Researchers and practicing civil engineers are actively seeking solutions to make ...
VerkkoAbstract. Prepared by the Committee on Social Science, Policy, Economics, Education, and Decision of the Infrastructure Resilience Division of ASCE and the Committee on Sustainability of ASCE. …
The infrastructure systems on which we rely to keep us safe, support our economy, and establish the quality of life we desire must be sustainable and …
VerkkoSustainable development is an urgent demand of the society. The civil engineering domain has significant impacts on the environment. Indeed, it is reported in numerous …
VerkkoThis book presents the select proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Practices and Innovations in Civil Engineering (SPICE 2019). It highlights current …
This paper reviews the civil engineering profession’s progress towards sustainability over the past dec-ade in eight key areas. It finds there have been …
Civil engineers have a leading role in planning, designing, building, and ensuring a sustainable future by providing the bridge between science and society.
VerkkoThis book presents the select proceedings of the International Conference on Civil Engineering Trends and Challenges for Sustainability (CTCS 2020). The chapters …
This study examines the long-term strategy in civil engineering and explores the role of environmental sustainability throughout the various stages of the civil design process, including...