Bistro Puisto sushi buffet, cafe, Finland, Uusimaa, Nurmijärvi ... Puisto sushi buffet ⭐ , Finland, Uusimaa, Nurmijärvi, Kaurapellontie, 3: photos, address, and ☎️ phone number, opening hours, photos, and user reviews on Yandex Maps. Search …
sushibistro.caWelcome, or “Yokoso” as we say in Japanese, to the Virtual Japanese Restaurant of Sushi Bistro. It is with the deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you here to our culinary cuisine. Since established in 1999, we have served our customers fresh and seasonal food. In our restaurant, there is a harmony of a modern atmosphere and Japanese tradition.
Sushi Bistro
https://sushibistro.cityfood.fi12,50H. Sushi Lajitelma 15 kpl. (Lounas Set) 2x lohi nigri, 2x grillattu lohi-nigri, 2x mustekalanigri, 2x tofu nigri, 2x avokado nigri, 5x makit (vaihtelee saatuvuuden mukaan) 12,50I. Vega …
Sushi Bistro - Sushi Bistro
sushibistro.fiKaurapellontie 3 A, Nurmijärvi Puh. 041 - 314 4589 chinese cuisine & online delivery Pöytävaraus Ma - Pe : 10:30 - 20.00 La : 11.00 - 20.00 Su : 12.00 - 18.00 Kaurapellontie 3 A, Nurmijärvi
sushibistro.caAbout US. Welcome, or “Yokoso” as we say in Japanese, to the Virtual Japanese Restaurant of Sushi Bistro. It is with the deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we welcome you here to …