Suomisport Suomisport. Enter your telephone number or e-mail address to begin. Please use a number capable of receiving text messages. You can contact our customer service via our contact form or by e-mail suomisport@olympiakomitea. fi. Log in as an organisation user.
Suomisport on the App Store › us › appSuomisport on suomalaisen liikunta- ja urheiluyhteisön palveluväylä suomalaisten liikkujien arkeen. Liikkuja luo Suomisportiin oman sporttitilin, jonka avulla voi helposti hallita omaa sekä lastensa sporttiarkea ja harrastuksia.
SUOMISPORT - All hobbies in the same service › enProvided by the Finnish Olympic Committee, SUOMISPORT is a modern and easy-to-use digital service for the entire sports community. SUOMISPORT offers ways to find interesting sports events and register for them easily. You can use the service to purchase and pay for competition licences, insurance policies, club membership fees and other products.