Suomenlinna Official Website › enThe Suomenlinna Sea Fortress is a cultural treasure. Its construction began in the mid-18th century. Welcome to Suomenlinna! Go to the website of the Governing Body of Suomenlinna at the address Current Opening hours and event calendar March 2023 See opening hours and events Guided tour in English 1.10.2022 - 27.5.2023
Suomenlinna – Wikipedia (ruots. Sveaborg) on Helsingin edustalla sijaitseva merilinnoitus. Historiallisena muistomerkkinä ja nähtävyytenä sen kulttuurillinen arvo on merkittävä, ja se on vahva osa Helsingin identiteettiä. Suomenlinnan rakennustyöt aloitettiin vuonna 1748 ja se tunnettiin vuoteen 1918 asti ruotsinkielisen nimensä Sveaborg pohjalta suomeksi Viaporina. Suomenlinna liitettiin vuonna 1991 Unescon maailmanperintöluetteloon. Suomenlinna on Helsingin kaupunginosa, jossa asuu noin 80…
Suomenlinna - Wikipedia › wiki › SuomenlinnaSuomenlinna (Finnish: [ˈsuo̯menˌlinːɑ]; until 1918 Viapori, Finnish: [ˈviaˌpori]), or Sveaborg (Swedish: [ˈsvɛːɑˈborj]), is an inhabited sea fortress composed of eight islands, of which six have been fortified; it is about 4 km southeast of the city center of Helsinki, the capital of Finland. Suomenlinna is popular with tourists and ...
Fortress of Suomenlinna - UNESCO World Heritage Centre › en › listDec 2, 2010 · Suomenlinna (Sveaborg) is a sea fortress, which was built gradually from 1748 onwards on a group of islands belonging to the district of Helsinki. The work was supervised by the Swedish Admiral Augustin Eherensvärd (1710-1772), who adapted Vauban’s theories to the very special geographical features of the region.
Sights - Suomenlinna Official Website › en › visitorSuomenlinna is a Unesco World Heritage site and one of the most popular tourist attractions in Finland. Visitors are not charged an admission fee – you only need to pay for the ferry crossing. Suomenlinna is also a borough of Helsinki. The main sights are situated along the blue route which runs across the fortress.Watch a video of the blue ...