‘Strata’ is a characteristic of stratified sampling method in which the entire population is divided into several homogeneous groups and a simple random sampling technique is applied on each …
Definition of 'strata' ; ˈstrɑːtə IPA Pronunciation Guide · a plural of stratum. ▷ USAGE Strata is sometimes wrongly used as a singular noun: this stratum (not ...
Strata (singular: stratum) are the horizontal layers, or beds, present in most sedimentary rocks . During or immediately after the accumulation of sediments, physical, biological, and chemical …
Editors Contribution (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate this definition: strata. layer of material. one of a number of parallel layers or levels upon another. plural of stratum. a stratum of ancient foundations. Submitted by anonymous on January 24, 2014.
Definition of strata in the Definitions.net dictionary. Meaning of strata. Information and translations of strata in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
10.9.2022 · The meaning of STRATUM is a bed or layer artificially made. How to use stratum in a sentence. Did you know? Is strata singular or plural?: Usage Guide
Answer (1 of 2): Technically there are no such things as ‘soil strata’. The bands that you see when looking at a soil sideways on (eg when you’re down a pit or trench) are ‘horizons’. The word …
strata: [noun] a dish that is made up of layers of bread, cheese, and meat or vegetables over which a mixture of eggs and milk is poured and that is usually refrigerated before it is baked.
Strata means a distinctive layer or series of layers of earth materials. · Strata . , plural of stratum, means the layers of sedimentary rock surrounding a coal ...
strata. noun. stra· ta | \ ˈstrā-tə , ˈstra- \. plural stratas also strata. Definition of strata (Entry 2 of 2) : a dish that is made up of layers of bread, cheese, and meat or vegetables over which a mixture of eggs and milk is poured and that is usually refrigerated before it is baked a ham and cheese strata.
Define strata. strata synonyms, strata pronunciation, strata translation, English dictionary definition of strata. n. A plural of stratum. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English …
1. a layer of material, naturally or artificially formed, often formed one upon another. · 2. layer; level: an allegory with many strata of meaning. · 3. a single ...
1 one of the segments of society into which people are grouped the lower strata of society have been hit especially hard by this economic downturn Synonyms for strata castes, classes, estates, folk (or folks), gentries, orders 2 the placement of someone or something in relation to others in a vertical arrangement
Strata: one of the segments of society into which people are grouped. Synonyms: castes, classes, estates… Find the right word. ... See the Dictionary Definition . Learn More About strata. Share …
a class of society composed of people with similar social, cultural, or economic status. higher education educational level. Affixed termsEdit · berstrata ...
(ˈstreɪ təm, ˈstræt əm) n., pl. stra•ta (ˈstreɪ tə, ˈstræt ə) stra•tums. 1. a layer of material, naturally or artificially formed, often formed one upon another. 2. layer; level: an allegory with many strata of meaning. 3. a single bed of sedimentary rock, generally consisting of one kind of matter representing continuous deposition.