Sky Map Online
skymaponline.netSky Map Online web app provides free, printable & interactive sky charts for any location, time and viewpoint. It shows the night sky stars up to magnitude 12, planets and DSO. SkyMap
Sky Map Online
https://skymaponline.netSky Map Online web app provides free, printable & interactive sky charts for any location, time and viewpoint. It shows the night sky stars up to magnitude 12, planets and DSO. SkyMap
Interactive Sky Chart | Map Your Night Sky - Sky & Telescope › observing › interactive-sky-chMar 27, 2019 · Chart the stars and planets visible to the unaided eye from any location, at any time of day or night, on any date between the years 1600 to 2400 by entering your location, either via zip code, city, or latitude/longitude. Change the horizon view by dragging the green square on the full-sky chart. Customize your map to show (or not show) constellation lines, names, and boundaries, deep-sky objects, star and planet names, and more.