Ismo Leikola – Wikipedia Mikael Leikola (s. 22. tammikuuta 1979 Jyväskylä) on suomalainen stand up -koomikko, muusikko, kirjailija, käsikirjoittaja ja tubettaja . Vuonna 2014 hänet valittiin Maailman hauskimmaksi ihmiseksi. Leikola on Suomen kansainvälisesti menestynein koomikko . Hän esiintyy säännöllisesti Los Angelesin ammattikomediaklubeilla, kansainvälisillä komediafestareilla, on tehnyt viraalivideoita sekä keikkakiertueita muun muassa Yhdysvalloissa, Suomessa ja Uudess…
Ismo Leikola - IMDb › name › nm1473883Ismo Leikola. Actor: Ismo. ISMO started his comedy career in 2002 in his home country of Finland. There, ISMO wrote and starred in 2 seasons of his own sitcom, ISMO. He filmed three DVD Specials from 2008 to 2016, and has sold-out numerous concert halls and theatres across the UK and Finland.
Ismo Stand-up - YouTube › watchOct 10, 2019 · Ismo Stand-up The Late Late Show with James Corden 28.1M subscribers Subscribe 27K 1.6M views 3 years ago James welcomes Finnish stand-up comedian Ismo, who tells the audience about some of...
https://www.ismo.funUPCOMING SHOWS ; Apr 24 - 25. SYDNEY, AUS ; Apr 26 - 27. PERTH, AUS ; Apr 29 - 30. BRISBANE, AUS ; May 2. AUCKLAND, NZ ; May 12 - 13. LONG ISLAND, NY.
Ismo Leikola - Wikipedia Mikael Leikola (born 22 January 1979), sometimes known professionally as ISMO, is a Finnish stand-up comedian, musician, author, screenwriter, and YouTuber. Leikola made his United States debut in 2014, when he was awarded the title of "The Funniest Person in the World" in a contest organized by the comedy club Laugh Factory. In 2015, he made comedy series ISMO for Finnish television and moved to the United States. He became an internationally known stand-u…
Ismo Leikola - Wikipedia › wiki › Ismo_LeikolaIsmo Mikael Leikola (born 22 January 1979), sometimes known professionally as ISMO, is a Finnish stand-up comedian, musician, author, screenwriter, and YouTuber. [1] Leikola made his United States debut in 2014, when he was awarded the title of "The Funniest Person in the World" in a contest organized by the comedy club Laugh Factory. [2]
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