Timbres de France, French Stamps - StampsFrance.com
stampsfrance.comStampsFrance.com : - Timbres France 1849-1899 Timbres France 1900-1929 Timbres France 1930-1939 Timbres France 1940-1944 Timbres France 1950-1954 Timbres France 1960-1964 Timbres France 1965-1969 Timbres France 1970-1974 Timbres France 1975-1979 Timbres France 1980-1984 Timbres France 1985-1989 Poste Aérienne / Airmail Timbres France 1945-1949 Timbres France 1955-1959 Taxe / Postage Due ...
French Stamps for Sale - French Philately - Stamps from France
frenchphilately.comSince 1849 France issuing its own postage stamps, and since 1876 the country become a member of the Universal Postal Union (UPU). Postal operations in the country are carried out by postal service. The history of “French Colonies” (stamps issued by France for the French colonial territories) covers two periods: 1859-1906, and 1943-1945.