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stamp finder

Stamp Identifier on the App Store › app › stamp...
It can identify more than 95 % of stamps no matter where the are from. The app often gives information about the meaning or message of the stamp. In the rare ...
Stamp Finder Online - Stamp Identification › identify
Stamp Finder Online - Stamp Identification Stamp Indentifier We are gradually filling the stamp indentifier pages with new entries. If there is any specific information you need then please let us know using our feedback form. We will update the stamp identifier pages with the requested information as soon as possible
Stamp Identifier - Apps on Google Play › details
NOTE! Our app will quickly recognize ALL WORLD STAMPS ONLY IF you follow the instructions presented in it: fully crop the background and ensure image ...
Worldwide Illustrated Stamp Identifier › w...
The purpose of the Worldwide Illustrated Stamp Identifier is to assist in identifying the country of origin of particularly challenging stamps.
StampFinder®-The Global Stamp Exchange
Find your favorite stamp and enrich your collections WHAT'S NEW See What's New at StampFinder! For limited time only! Try it while it's free. Register as a member and take advantage of our CollectionBuilder and free introductory market pricing service (Currently USA and Germany collections only).
U.S. Stamp Identifier › us...
Enjoy the rewarding hobby of stamp collecting on line with US and Foreign ... U.S. postage stamps from the common varieties with our U.S. Stamp Identifier.
APS Stamp Identifier
The World Stamp Identifer is a free, interactive tool which helps you identify many of the harder to recognize stamps. To begin, select the type of search you ...
APS Stamp Identifier - American Philatelic Society
The World Stamp Identifer is a free, interactive tool which helps you identify many of the harder to recognize stamps. To begin, select the type of search you would like to perform below
StampFinder®-The Global Stamp Exchange
Find your favorite stamp and enrich your collections. WHAT'S NEW. See What's New at StampFinder! For limited time only! Try it while it's free. Register ...
Find Your Stamps Value online: no philatelic skills required to ...
The easiest way to know what your stamp's value is. Search by photo or text description. Huge stamp catalogue with complete information about most ... - the most complete stamp catalogue on the ... is the largest, most complete and updated online stamp catalogue in the world with features to buy and sell stamps and collections.
CD-Stamp Oy - taloustiedot, Y-tunnus ja päättäjät - › ... › Toimistotarvikkeet Loviisa
Katsoä yhtiön CD-Stamp Oy (0926915-3) yritystiedot, päättäjät, työntekijämäärä ja taloustiedot, kuten liikevaihto ja tulos.
Stamp Search
Welcome to! The fact that stamp collecting has long been the most popular hobby in the world, with over 16 million enthusiasts in the United States alone, is a good indication of how much fascination and appeal these colorful little pieces of gummed paper exert. Robert Obojski, A First Stamp Album for Beginners. - the most complete stamp catalogue on the ... › en
750,000+ stamps. Reg. your private website. Buy and sell stamps. Stamp forum. Make your own collection. Reg. your business for free. Motif collections. Direct contact to collectors worldwide. List of stamp clubs & shops.
U.S. Stamp Identifier - Kenmore Stamp › us-stamp-identifier
U.S. Stamp Identifier Get the inside scoop on how to distinguish valuable U.S. postage stamps from the common varieties with our U.S. Stamp Identifier. 1847 First Issues vs Reprints (#1 vs 3, #2 vs 4) 1867-1871 Grilled Issues (#85C to 141) 1869 15¢ Columbus Type I & II (#118, 119) 1870-1888 Hard and Soft Papers (#134 to 191)
Stamp Identification - Stamp Finder Online › ...
Stamp Finder Online - Stamp Identification, stamp indentifier, catalogue and shop.