Stamp Finder Online - Stamp Identification › identifyStamp Finder Online - Stamp Identification Stamp Indentifier We are gradually filling the stamp indentifier pages with new entries. If there is any specific information you need then please let us know using our feedback form. We will update the stamp identifier pages with the requested information as soon as possible
StampFinder®-The Global Stamp Exchange
stampfinder.comFind your favorite stamp and enrich your collections WHAT'S NEW See What's New at StampFinder! For limited time only! Try it while it's free. Register as a member and take advantage of our CollectionBuilder and free introductory market pricing service (Currently USA and Germany collections only).
Stamp Search
stamp-search.comWelcome to! The fact that stamp collecting has long been the most popular hobby in the world, with over 16 million enthusiasts in the United States alone, is a good indication of how much fascination and appeal these colorful little pieces of gummed paper exert. Robert Obojski, A First Stamp Album for Beginners.
U.S. Stamp Identifier - Kenmore Stamp › us-stamp-identifierU.S. Stamp Identifier Get the inside scoop on how to distinguish valuable U.S. postage stamps from the common varieties with our U.S. Stamp Identifier. 1847 First Issues vs Reprints (#1 vs 3, #2 vs 4) 1867-1871 Grilled Issues (#85C to 141) 1869 15¢ Columbus Type I & II (#118, 119) 1870-1888 Hard and Soft Papers (#134 to 191)