Spelling.nu - Online spelling & grammatica controleren
www.spelling.nuTyp of plak uw tekst in het onderstaande veld, selecteer de taal van uw tekst en klik op Controleer spelling om uw tekst te controleren. Nederlands Engels Duits Frans Spaans Controleer spelling Veelvoorkomende spelfouten Een foutje is menselijk maar met behulp van dit overzicht kun je er hopelijk enkele voorkomen. soeverein souverein
Free online spelling and grammar check
www.online-spellcheck.comA misspelled word is identified easily as long as the dictionary is large enough to contain the word. This is the simplest method and most spell checkers work like this. Some spellcheckers also detect common grammatical errors through predefined rules. In this kind of approach, a spell checker service will detect the wrong use of the indefinite article, like using "an” instead of “a” before a word beginning with a vowel sound.
Free Online Dutch Spell Checker - stars21.com
www.stars21.com › spelling › dutchDutch Spell Checkers Type or paste a Dutch text to check the spelling into the input box above. At the left column, select spell checkers you like by clicking the check boxes, then just click the "Go"button. The web page of the checked spell checker will be executed. If you would select multiple spell checkers, click the icon to view one.