Speaking Part 3 — FCE Exam Tips
www.fceexamtips.com › first-speaking-part-3In part 3, try your best to politely interrupt and to be sociable - the examiners will notice and you will gain points while the other student is losing them. If your partner is too shy, just give them opportunities to talk as normal, wait a few seconds for an answer, then answer them yourself if needed.
Cambridge B2 First (FCE): Speaking Part 3 - Teacher Phill
You can see a structure that looks a little bit like a spiderweb. There is a question in the centre and five prompts around it. Speaking Part 3 always follows the same idea: Firstly, you discuss the question with your partner talking about the five prompts for about two minutes and secondly, you have to make a decision based on the same five points in one minute.
Cambridge First (FCE) Speaking - Sample Tests
Part 3 – Collaborative Task. Part 3 of FCE Speaking is the first time that you interact with your partner. You are given a diagram, which includes a question with 5 different ideas to discuss. First you speak about the question for 2 …