SPEAKING with FREE PDF MOCK EXAM – B2 FIRST Cambridge Exam ...
www.intercambioidiomasonline.com › 2017/08/07Aug 07, 2017 · Home / EXAMS / CAMBRIDGE / SPEAKING with FREE PDF MOCK EXAM – B2 FIRST Cambridge Exam English. 17. The Cambridge B2 Speaking exam lasts for 12-14 minutes and consists of 4 parts: Learning with mistakes is part of the learning process and completely natural, “We need classes that develop the courage to commit errors” (Hattie 2009, p. 178). Interview (part 1) 2 minutes: The examiner will ask you questions individually and you need to answer with extended answers or about 30 seconds.
B2 First | Cambridge English
www.cambridgeenglish.org › exams-and-tests › firstA B2 First qualification shows that you can: communicate effectively face-to-face, expressing opinions and presenting arguments. follow the news. write clear, detailed English, expressing opinions and explaining the advantages and disadvantages of different points of view. write letters, reports, stories and lots of other types of text.
Speaking Paper | Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Exam
b2firstexampreparation.com › speakingSpeaking Paper | Cambridge B2 First (FCE) Exam Topics Grammar Vocabulary Lessons Topics Speaking 4 parts 14 minutes 20% of total More About Speaking Music To Your Ears Speaking | Part 2 Music is another popular topic that could come up in any part of the speaking exam. Practice your vocabulary and… read more Helping The Environment