Home - Public Speaking Classes, Program & Training Courses
www.publicspeakingclasses.comPublic Speaking Classes provides training empowering students to radiate confidence and become powerful storytellers that keep the audience engaged. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned public speaker, Public Speaking Classes offers public speaking training proven to help you overcome glossophobia (the fear of public speaking) and dramatically improve your communication skills!
Foreign Language Classes for Adults | Berlitz
www.berlitz.com › adultsLessons for all learning styles. Our classes are designed for adults who want to learn how to communicate effectively in their chosen language. Whether you want to travel the world, communicate with friends and family or advance in your career—learning a new language allows you to experience a sense of achievement that comes with challenging yourself.
English classes for adults | EF English speaking courses in ...
www.ef.edu › ilsd › programsOur English classes for adults focus on speaking English first and foremost. Adults require encouragement and a positive learning environment to overcome their fear of failure in the English classroom. At higher levels, we broaden instruction to look at reading and writing skills in English. Total instruction time on this English class for adults is 17 hours, 20 minutes per week scheduled on weekday mornings and afternoons.