Dec 04, 2018 · B2 First Speaking Part 1 In part 1 of the Speaking section, the examiner asks questions about you. These questions may be on topics such as: Your likes and dislikes. Your family and friends. What you have been doing recently. How long you have been studying English. There may also be a question about the future or some other general questions.
It's only 15 minutes long, but for many students, the FCE Speaking Test is the most stressful part of Cambridge B2 First (which used to be called Cambridge ...
6.6.2021 · Consigli sulla parte 2 dello speaking test L’esaminatore consiglia di praticare il log turn dando massima attenzione ai markers del discorso, come i sequencers” e le congiunzioni: il …
Vuoi avere un B2 speaking level? Molti studenti riescono a cavarsela con facilità quando visitano un paese di lingua inglese, si sentono a proprio agio a ...
B2 First exam format. B2 First is a test of all areas of language ability. The updated exam (for exam sessions from January 2015) is made up of four papers developed to test your English …
41 Giving advice In this video, Paul and Bob try to help Noelia with a problem. Listen to the language they use for giving advice and practise saying the useful phrases. 33 Persuading …
B2 speaking. Are you an upper intermediate (CEFR level B2) learner of English? Practise your speaking with these interactive videos. Choose a lesson. 34. An interview. Jack's applying to …
B2 speaking B2 speaking Are you an upper intermediate (CEFR level B2) learner of English? This section offers speaking practice to help you learn and practise useful phrases that will help you to speak English clearly and effectively.
I can talk about a cultural event or festival. Interview and stimulus-based discussion I can discuss a topic and select and justify my choice from a range of options. Photo description and …
21.7.2014 · Find out more about the B2 First exam: examiner's comments: allowed: 14 minutes per pair of c...
In B2 First (FCE) Speaking Part 3, you must hold a discussion based on a situation and different options. Learn to do this properly and enjoy the post!
4.2.2022 · B2 (FCE): What’s in Part 1? Conversation with the examiner. The examiner asks questions and you may have to give information about your interests, studies, career, etc. We …
English Speaking Exercises B2. with Answers. Photo comparison. I can compare photos and give opinions about fame. Role-play. I can use diplomatic language in a ...
4.12.2018 · B2 First Speaking Part 1 In part 1 of the Speaking section, the examiner asks questions about you. These questions may be on topics such as: Your likes and dislikes. Your …
Preparati al test di Speaking. Guarda la playlist con i video di preparazione allo Speaking insieme a tuo figlio/a e scopri cosa avviene in ogni singola parte ...
Sep 09, 2022 · The way that the Speaking Club works is you talk about a set of questions with 2-3 partners for 20 minutes. Then, you switch partners and questions two more times, for a total of 60 minutes of talking. A lot of the questions in the Speaking Club Online are similar to the B2 First Speaking Part 1 Exam questions, that’s why I recommend it! I ...
Raccolta di espressioni utili per lo speaking del First Certificate di Cambridge, divise nelle diverse parti del test . …continua. di _kia96_ (1825 punti) 2' di lettura. 3,5 / 5 (2)
Description of FCE Speaking Part 4. Part 4 of the B2 First Speaking test basically consists of a set of questions which candidates have to respond to. While at first glance, it is similar to Part 1, it is actually a blend between Part 1 (interview) and Part 3 (discussion). Here are the main features of this part:
La maggior parte degli esami di inglese danno informazioni sui loro siti su come il test inglese è organizzato. Leggi questo articolo e scopri come ...