speak to · to discuss or comment on a topic, problem or situation. The show wants to speak to real issues affecting young people. · to be evidence that ...
Install it for free on any device Select a voice & listening speed Press play Text-to-speech online 117,800+ 4M+ users Speechify is the leading text-to-speech extension in all app stores. With …
[for something] to address, indicate, or signal something. This event speaks to the need for good communication. Your present state of employment speaks to your ...
(idiomatic) To (figuratively) resonate with, to feel emotionally relevant to. Esimerkit. This definitely speaks to the fact that at Georgetown, beginning at the ...
Type with your voice in Voice To Text - Write with your voice Voice to text support almost all popular languages in the world like English, हिन्दी, Español, Français, Italiano, Português, …
Easily convert speech to text online and free Home Speech to Text Click the microphone icon and speak Hello! We have set your default language as English (United States) Start Copy …
speak to 1. Literally, to communicate with someone or a group by speaking. George and I haven't been speaking to one another ever since our argument. 2. To address some topic or issue …
speak to 1. Literally, to communicate with someone or a group by speaking. George and I haven't been speaking to one another ever since our argument. 2. To address some topic or issue …
1 · to talk to someone who has done something wrong and tell them not to do it again ; 2 if something such as a poem, painting, or piece of music speaks to you, ...
10.5.2012 · The phrasal verb “to speak to ━━ ” has several senses. To address words or discourse to (a person); to talk to, converse with. to speak to (see quot. 1837), so as to have …
The phrasal verb speak to is widely used idiomatically to convey various senses, including show, demonstrate, express, relate to, address, or speak about.
Define speak to. speak to synonyms, speak to pronunciation, speak to translation, English dictionary definition of speak to. vb 1. to address 2. to reprimand: your father will speak to you …
(idiomatic) To give evidence regarding something; to attest or provide evidence for; to bespeak. quotations ▽ · (idiomatic) To address a particular topic.
A WebVR Experiment made for mobile. This WebVR Experiment is best experienced on mobile with a VR headset. Please try accessing it from your phone.. Try it without a headset or get set …