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spanish phrases for the office

Spanish Vocabulary for the Workplace - › article
el empleo (ehl ehm-pleh-oh) (the job; employment) · presentarse (preh-sehn-tahr-seh) (to go to be present at some place; to introduce oneself) · la entrevista ( ...
Learn Spanish phrases: At work - The Guardian › jul › l...
Learn Spanish phrases: At work · la oficina office el edificio building la planta floor · me pongo a ello ahora I'll get on to it right now estoy ...
Spanish at WORK - Vocabulary and Phrases - Hola Qué Pasa › spanish-at-work-vocabulary-and
Phrases Soy contable y trabajo en una oficina. I’m an accountant and I work in an office. Empiezo a trabajar a las 8 de la mañana. I start work at 8 AM. Salgo del trabajo a las 4 de la tarde. I leave work at 4 PM. Nuestro jefe sabe motivarnos. Our boss knows how to motivate us. Estoy muchas horas frente al ordenador.
45 Need-to-know Business Spanish Vocabulary Words and 7 ... › blog › busi...
Key Spanish Business Vocabulary ; los contratos fijos están desapareciendo (permanent work contracts are becoming less common) ; hacer prácticas ...
The Best Spanish Vocabulary for the Workplace › discover
Keep up your Spanish with useful words and phrases. Be the first to know about deals and discounts for classes in Spanish ...
16 Spanish Office Motivational quotes ideas - Pinterest
Jul 31, 2018 - Explore Nelly Garcia's board "Spanish Office Motivational quotes", followed by 113 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about quotes, office motivational quotes, motivational …
Spanish at WORK - Vocabulary and Phrases - Hola Qué Pasa › spanish-at-...
Phrases ; Soy contable y trabajo en una oficina. I'm an accountant and I work in an office. ; Empiezo a trabajar a las 8 de la mañana. I start work at 8 AM.
25 Spanish Vocabulary Words for Work and the Office
1.12.2020 · Whatever your home office looks like, here are some words and phrases in Spanish to describe it or to use during the work day. lapicero (Chile), boli/bolígrafo (Spain), pluma (Panama, …
75+ Basic Spanish Words and Phrases for the Workplace › blog › 75-basic-spanish-words
Sep 02, 2020 · Useful Basic Spanish Words and Phrases for the Workplace So, you are able to speak Spanish en el trabajo (at work)— wonderful! Let’s walk through a typical day at la oficina (the office). You are walking through the front doors of el edificio de tu empresa (the company building) and you are greeted with ¡Buenos dias! by la recepcionista.
75+ Basic Spanish Words and Phrases for the Workplace
2.9.2020 · So, you are able to speak Spanish en el trabajo (at work)— wonderful! Let’s walk through a typical day at la oficina (the office). You are walking through the front doors of el …
Spanish AT THE DOCTOR'S - Vocabulary and Phrases - Hola Qué …
Me duele la cabeza. I have headache. Me duele mucho la garganta. My throat hurts a lot. Me duele aquí. It hurts here. (while pointing at the exact place) Fever Tengo un poco de fiebre. I have a …
15 Spanish Phrases to Use at Work and at the Office
11.11.2020 · 1. Bienvenidos a todos – Welcome to everyone 2. Gracias por su tiempo – Thank you for your time 3. Hoy día en la agenda/Hoy en la orden del día – Today on the agenda… 4. Reunión …
Essential Spanish Phrases for Business Success › ...
Greetings · Hola a todos – Hello, everybody. · ¿Cómo están? – How are you doing? · Buen día – Good morning · Buenas tardes – Good afternoon · Buenas ...
Spanish at WORK - Vocabulary and Phrases - Hola Qué Pasa
Soy contable y trabajo en una oficina. I’m an accountant and I work in an office. Empiezo a trabajar a las 8 de la mañana. I start work at 8 AM. Salgo del trabajo a las 4 de la tarde. I leave work at 4 …
Business Spanish: Phrases You Need for Workplace Success › blog
¡Hola, soy el nuevo programador! · Disculpa, ¿me puedes ayudar? · ¿Me puedes explicar cómo funciona? · Lo siento, me he equivocado. · ¿Puedes ...
Spanish Conversation Phrases: At the doctor’s office
27.2.2021 · Posted on February 27, 2021 April 6, 2021 by noobvoyage in Spanish phrases Spanish Conversation Phrases: At the doctor’s office Here is a list of basic and useful Spanish phrases …
15 Spanish Phrases to Use at Work and at the Office - Lingoda › 15-spanish...
15 useful Spanish phrases you can use at work ; 1. Bienvenidos a todos – Welcome to everyone ; 2. Gracias por su tiempo – Thank you for your time.
25 Spanish Vocabulary Words for Work and the Office - Lingoda › en › 25-spanish-vocabulary-words
Dec 01, 2020 · In order to set those meetings up, here are a few phrases that are helpful for the physical office space. la oficina – office la sala de reuniones – meeting room la impresora – printer la tinta – (printer) ink la papelera – bin el escritorio – desk la tarjeta de negocios – business card la etiqueta – label la carpeta – folder el sobre – envelope
40 Basic Spanish Phrases for Surviving Most Any Situation
31.8.2022 · Here are three Spanish-language phrases that will come in handy should the need ever arise: Necesito ayuda. – Short and to the point, this phrase simply means “I need help.” ¿Habla …
50 Basic Spanish Words and Phrases to Learn for Beginners
5.2.2021 · One of the most popular words in Spanish is “hola” which means “hi” or “hello”. You can also use the following Spanish expressions: Buenos días — Good morning Buenas tardes — …
Spanish Vocabulary for the Workplace - dummies
26.3.2016 · la cita (lah see-tah) (the appointment; the date [as in going on a date with someone]) la secretaria (lah seh-kreh-tah-reeah) (the female secretary) el secretario (ehl seh-kreh-tah-reeoh) …
75+ Basic Spanish Words and Phrases for the Workplace › blog
Ensure that you prepare well so that the meeting is successful! El grupo de trabajo van a reunirse mañana para recibir una actualización.
15 Spanish Phrases to Use at Work and at the Office - Lingoda › en › 15-spanish-phrases-to-use-at
Nov 11, 2020 · 1. Bienvenidos a todos – Welcome to everyone 2. Gracias por su tiempo – Thank you for your time 3. Hoy día en la agenda/Hoy en la orden del día – Today on the agenda… 4. Reunión (meeting) – Be careful not to use cita which typically means “date” in the romantic sense. 5. Si hay algunas dudas – If there are any doubts/questions…