South America: Countries - Map Quiz Game interactive educational game will help you dominate that next geography quiz on South America. (Please note that French Guiana is not an independent country, but a region of France). If you want to practice offline, download our printable maps of South America in pdf format. There is also a Youtube video you can use for memorization!
South America: Countries (Cartoon Version) - Map Quiz Game › en › vgpSouth America: Countries (Cartoon Version) - Map Quiz Game: From Colombia to the southern tip of Chile, the South American countries present a fascinating diversity of culture and natural beauty. Memorizing these countries can be fun, with the help of this engaging map quiz game. It features colorful cartoons that represent the country you click on; to see all the pictures, you have to work ...
Countries of South America Map Quiz - Sporcle › games › gAug 19, 2020 · South America Countries and Capitals on a Map 26. America By Any 2 Letters Blitz 13. America: At Least Four-Border Countries 13. Hidden Countries of South America 12. South American Flag Maps 10. South American Countries on a Globe 5. America by First and Last Letters Blitz 5.
South America: Physical Features - Map Quiz Game › en › vgpSouth America: Physical Features - Map Quiz Game: The South American continent is dominated by Brazil, which in turn is dominated by the massive Amazon rainforest that takes up most of its area. There are, however, many other physical features and different types of environments in the 13 countries that make up the continent. Southern Chile and Argentina, for example, have a temperate climate ...
South America: Capitals - Map Quiz Game - Seterra › en › vgpIf you said Rio or Sao Paolo, you need to take this free map quiz now! Increase your geography knowledge with this fun teaching tool and become geography bee champion in no time. The game South America: Capitals is available in the following 44 languages: This game in English was played 2,067 times yesterday. South America.