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solidworks exploded view drawing lines

r/SolidWorks - Why is the exploded view for my drawing not ...
CTRL+Q is a great suggestion You want to take notice that your drawing view border is smaller than the geometry in the view. Since that box typically indicates the calculated bounding box of the view, this means that what is shown (graphically) is not in sync with how SOLIDWORKS is internally calculating the boundary of that view.
Adding Explode Lines - 2020 - SOLIDWORKS Help › 2020 › English
Adding Explode Lines You can use an explode line sketch to manually add an explode line to an exploded view. The explode line sketch is a type of 3D sketch. To insert an explode line sketch: Click Explode Line Sketch (Assembly toolbar) or Insert > Explode Line Sketch. The Explode Sketch toolbar appears.
Adding Explode Lines - 2020 - SOLIDWORKS Help › sldworks
You can use an explode line sketch to manually add an explode line to an exploded view. The explode line sketch is a type of 3D sketch.
Exploded Sketch Lines Hidden in Drawing - DASSAULT ...
30.7.2007 · Drag the pointer from left to right to define a box selection or from right to left to define a cross selection (to select every exploded line). Once every exploded line is selected, Click Copy (Standard toolbar) or Edit, Copy, or press Ctrl+C. Exit the Edit Mode for “3DExplode” sketch. Click any where on the Graphics Area.
Smart Explode Lines in SOLIDWORKS Explained ... › blog
An explode line is a route sketch line that helps to show the position a component came from before creating an explode in SOLIDWORKS.
Explode Assembly Drawing, Part 1, Explode Line ... - YouTube
27.4.2012 · SolidWorks 2011, creating an Exploded Assembly Drawing. These videos describe how create an exploded assembly drawing from an existing exploded assembly of a...
Exploded Views in Drawings - 2020 - SOLIDWORKS Help › 2020 › English
Right-click the drawing view and click Properties. In the Drawing View Properties dialog box, under Configuration information, select Show in exploded or model break state. Alternatively, to display any of these drawing views in an exploded state, you can: Right-click the drawing view and click Show in Exploded State.
Create and edit properties of Explode Lines in SOLIDWORKS ...
25.2.2019 · SOLIDWORKS Composer Explode lines indicate the path from the assembled position or the neutral position of an actor to it’s exploded position. These paths can be associative or non-associative paths. Associative paths are the paths that update when the geometric actors are moved after explode lines are created.
How do you hide explode lines in Solidworks? - Special Project › autocad › how-do-you-hide-explo...
Edit the sketch as you would for any 3D sketch, or add more explode lines. Sulje luonnos. ... How do you fix exploded view in Solidworks?
How to Automatically Add Explode Lines for Each ... › blog
Now to automatically add the smart explode lines, click Exploded View in the CommandManager and select Insert/Edit Smart Explode Lines. Just like that, all of ...
Solved: Exploded lines in drawing's view - PTC Community
19.7.2013 · Create a new view set to Shaded (no-edges) located at the same origin. Switch the drawing tree to layer tree and set the layer to the shaded view name. Hide the layer you created with the Offset Lines on it (this will hide the layer only in that view). Now you will have a shaded view with a no hidden overlay which trims the extension lines.
SOLIDWORKS - Smart Explode Lines - YouTube
14.5.2018 · See more at: how to use Smart Explode lines, available in SOLIDWORKS 2018. Quick Tip presented by …
Adding Explode Lines - 2020 - SOLIDWORKS Help
Adding Explode Lines You can use an explode line sketch to manually add an explode line to an exploded view. The explode line sketch is a type of 3D sketch. To insert an explode line sketch: Click Explode Line Sketch (Assembly toolbar) or Insert > Explode Line Sketch. The Explode Sketch toolbar appears.
solidworks exploded view lines in drawing - The HarvestWorld Church › 19e7c3-s...
In this example, a route line is added between a pin and a hole in a shaft in an exploded view. We will contact you if we have questions regarding your ...
Showing Explode Lines in Exploded Views - 2019 - SolidWorks › 2019 › English
Showing Explode Lines in Exploded Views You can add an explode line manually to show relationships between items in an exploded view. Contents Adding Explode Lines You can use an explode line sketch to manually add an explode line to an exploded view. The explode line sketch is a type of 3D sketch. Editing an Explode Line Sketch
Adding Explode Lines - 2017 - SOLIDWORKS Help › t_Adding_Explode_Lines
Adding Explode Lines To add explode lines to an exploded view, use an explode line sketch (a type of 3D sketch). To insert an explode line sketch: Click Explode Line Sketch (Assembly toolbar) or Insert > Explode Line Sketch . The Explode Sketch toolbar appears. Route Line is activated and the Route Line PropertyManager opens.
how to add exploded view lines in solidworks drawing
The Exploded View functionality was perfected in SOLIDWORKS 2016 and 2017, but exploded lines have not been improved since they were introduced. SOLIDWORKS Composer Explode lines indicate the path from the assembled position or the neutral position of an actor to it’s exploded position. “Exploded views should always be located in the A-3 Zone”, …
How to display exploded lines - CAD Forum › viewtopic
RMB on the exploded view derived configuration and select "Smart Explode Lines". They should then be visible in the exploded drawing view.
Exploded lines not showing in drawing KM By Kenneth Mally 06/22/10 This question has a validated answer. SW2010x64 SP2.1. My assembly exploded lines are not showing up in my drawing view. I've searched the forums and knowledge base, and I've confirmed that the lines are not construction lines. I created them using the exploded routing lines.
How to create an exploded line sketch in SOLIDWORKS › h...
The quickest way is to use the 'insert/edit smart explode lines'. Simply click and SOLIDWORKS creates the lines for you. Components can be ...
SOLIDWORKS 2018 Smart Explode Lines - Javelin ... › 2017/09
Starting with an exploded view, you can add all of the explode lines with one click (based on the directions you drag the parts in the explode ...