SNAP - Department of Human Services › Services › AssistanceOnline: Apply for or renew your SNAP benefits online by using COMPASS. In-person: File an application at your county assistance office. You can download an application right here, fill it out, and return it to your county assistance office: Application for cash assistance, SNAP, and Medical Assistance benefits (English version)
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - SNAP--Renew - ct › DSS › SNAPFor HUSKY C, SNAP or cash aid: or for your DSS MyAccount. * 24/7 access to DSS: Apply & renew services at, plus get benefit status, notices, report changes, upload/send documents & more! Client Information Line: 1-855-626-6632. With MyDSS, our mobile-friendly app, access your account on any device (
Renew SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance …
Renew online Renew by mail Renew in person Next Steps Once your Renewal form is received, it will take up to 30 days to process. The Renewal letter will include the submission date to avoid an interruption of benefits. Timely Renewals are typically received by the 15th of the month.
Renew SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program ... › renew-snapSNAP benefits, also known as food stamps, must be renewed periodically. You should receive a Renewal letter from the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) by the 20th day of the month before the month your benefits are scheduled to end. For example, if your benefits are scheduled to end in August, you should receive a Renewal letter from DFCS by July 20.
SNAP Benefits - HRA - New York City › site › hraSNAP On-Demand. Once you submit your online SNAP application or your recertification, call 718-SNAP-NOW (718-762-7669) anytime between 8:30 AM and 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday to complete your interview. Please remember to upload your documents using the ACCESS HRA app. Shop for Groceries Online with your SNAP Benefits
SNAP - ct Periodic Report Forms -- Now Online! The SNAP Periodic Report Form, or “PRF,” helps DSS to gather information about any changes you may have had since the last time you completed …